ESS Mission


To support the health and safety of all first responders operating in emergency and non-emergency operations.  We will do what we can to ensure that everyone returns home safely to their families.  


The ESS is a non-traditional fire service organization created in 1991, to fill a very important, but overlooked emergency service. Our role is to support the fire departments of Johnson County with services like incident rehab.

When we provide this service it consists of setting up a mobile unit where firefighters can come by to rehydrate with fluids (water, sports drinks or coffee) to prevent dehydration, quick snack foods for energy, and medical evaluations if needed!

In 2002, we started providing another service as well, refilling breathing apparatus on the scene with our new four-bottle cascade system.

Our Original Patch

ESS Patch

Our patch is a designed thought out by Coordinator Randal Goodwin and the art work was done by  Deputy Coordinator Grace Goodwin. The Maltese cross represents the fire service and the hands around it represent the support we give to our county’s  Bravest. The hands are modeled after the artist Grace Goodwin. She could not find a picture of hands that she liked, so she used her hands as the model.

If you would like to trade patches just send a patch and a self-addressed envelope and we will send one back.